Local knowledge. Regional growth.

It all starts with an idea - whether you want to launch a new business, turn a hobby into something more, or share a creative project with the world. The way you tell that story online can really make a difference.

With so many websites out there, your unique perspective is what will set this one apart. If you're reading the words but not hearing your authentic voice, then it likely needs some more work.

At Asaya, we understand every client's path is different. That's why we develop focused verticals dedicated to specific products, services, or market segments. These specialized verticals allow you to organize your operations and resources around the particular business areas you serve. We'll help define and elevate what makes your brand's story exceptional.


Sector specialized. Tailored solutions


We work with colleges, universities, corporations, and educational service providers (non-profit and for-profit). We offer advice on student and faculty retention, recruitment, alumni relations, fundraising, and other areas in need of improvement.

    • Ed-tech

    • Higher education

    • K12

    • Secondary education

    • Non-profit insititutions

  • Proeduca


We help publishers, agencies, and brands to break through the market and achieve a sustainable competitive edge. Our expert team delivers the data, insights, and tools needed to anticipate trends in the media industry and take a rational decision on whether launch here or not.

    • Ad-tech

    • Digital marketing

    • Media consulting

    • Online marketplaces

  • Item description


We collaborate with retailers (offline or online), department stores, and independent shops to develop strategies that drive growth, create competitive advantages, unlock profit and value-creation opportunities, and mitigate risks for our clients.

    • eCommerce strategy and operations (3PL)

    • Retail-tech

    • Supply chain

    • Retail operations

  • Adsocy


Market Growth Partner for companies expanding into South East Asia.

Market Intelligence

Gaining insight into Southeast Asia's markets takes more than just skimming surface-level data. Our market intelligence team dives deep, studying consumer behaviors, competitive dynamics, and regulatory environments at a granular level across the region. With our localized expertise, we provide nuanced analysis that illuminates the context behind the trends.

Media Consulting

Seriously, just blasting out generic ads is the fast-track to wasting marketing budgets. We partner with a leading player to understand how to adapt brand messaging and creative to truly click with Southeast Asia's diverse audiences. By tapping cultural insights, we develop authentic, localized campaigns deployed through the right channels.


A one-size-fits-all approach doesn't cut it for Southeast Asia's diversity. Our strategists take the time to understand each client's unique goals, industry, and target markets. From there, we craft tailored market entry and expansion plans optimized for the region's complexities. With our strategic roadmaps, companies can confidently navigate the challenges and opportunities


You know what they say - a company is only as good as its people. That's why we invest heavily in a high-touch recruiting approach to secure exceptional local talent. Our recruiter partners tap their Southeast Asia networks to identify candidates who bring the perfect mix of skills, mindsets, and cultural competencies for each role.


Mergers and acquisitions across borders bring added complexities from regulations, cultural factors, and valuation considerations. While navigating M&A situations is delicate, our team has direct experience guiding clients through these intricate deals specific to Southeast Asia. We have advised two large corporations on potential deals here.


Ambitious growth takes capital firepower. Whether you're an early-stage startup or bedding acquisitions, we work tirelessly to connect you with the right investors across Southeast Asia and globally. We get you prepped, get you funded, and get you scaling. We can either invest directly and help you run the Asian operations via Faeda Ventures or help you fund your company via our VC network.


Whether assessing marketing effectiveness or sizing untapped market potential, our team seamlessly integrates and assists using the specialized expertise required to provide comprehensive support, augmenting our capabilities through strategic regional partnerships.


We also have the capacity to invest with you along the way and support you on your journey in Asia. We have set up Faeda Ventures to support entrepreneurs. You control, we manage. We all grow.


The road to launch in Asia starts with a single step. Reach out to us and start your journey today.